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Referenčné číslo ponuky Názov Obstarávateľ Stav Dátum začatia Dátum uzávierky
JRC/IPR/2020/LVP/1825-ExA Assessment of the Uncertainties Affectin... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Uzavreté 15/07/2020 30/07/2020
EC-MOVE/2024/LVP/0026-ExA Assist DG MOVE in developing technical i... European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport (MOVE) Uzavreté 11/04/2024 10/05/2024
ETF/2024/MVP/0003-ExA Assistance and advisory services for sus... European Training Foundation (ETF) Uzavreté 08/03/2024 18/03/2024
NEAR/2023/EA-RP/0130 Assistance for the Implementation of Tec... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Uzavreté 21/07/2023 31/01/2024
NEAR/2023/EA-RP/0130-PIN Assistance for the Implementation of Tec... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Uzavreté 21/06/2023 21/07/2023
FPI/2021/EA-OP/0011 Assistance Measure under the European Pe... European Commission, Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) Uzavreté 15/03/2022 13/05/2022
HR/LUX/2023/LVP/0113-ExA Assistance pour la veille réglementaire ... European Commission, DG Human Resources and Security (HR) Uzavreté 16/03/2023 26/03/2023
INTPA/OUA/2023/EA-RP/0064 Assistance Technique pour la mise en œu... European Commission, DG for International Partnerships (INTPA) Zrušené po publikácii 25/04/2023 Nie je k dispozícii
INTPA/FIH/2023/EA-RP/0035 Assistance technique au partenariat entr... European Commission, DG for International Partnerships (INTPA) Uzavreté 08/03/2023 23/08/2023
NEAR/RBA/2021/EA-RP/0029 Assistance technique au profit de la dél... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Uzavreté 15/03/2021 21/09/2021