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Referenční číslo nabídky Název Veřejný zadavatel Stav Datum zahájení Datum uzavření
DIGIT/R2/PO/2013/004. DIGIT/R2/PO/2013/004 – Poradenství, srov... European Commission, DG Informatics (DIGIT) Uzavřeno 25/05/2013 19/07/2013
JRC/GEE/2021/LVP/2795-ExA Dienstwagen terreinbeveiligingsdiensten European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Geel (JRC-GEE) Uzavřeno 08/11/2021 15/11/2021
interim staff for Rep DE-ExA Dienstleister für Arbeitnehmerüberlassun... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Uzavřeno 08/12/2023 22/12/2023
JRC/PTT/2021/MVP/1553-ExA Dienstencontract voor preventief en corr... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Uzavřeno 16/06/2021 02/07/2021
JRC/PTT/2021/MVP/0538-ExA Diensten raamcontract voor onderhoud en ... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Uzavřeno 17/03/2021 31/03/2021
ENER/2021/OP/0007 Dialog investorů - platformy zúčastněnýc... European Commission, DG Energy (ENER) Uzavřeno 01/10/2021 29/10/2021
OP/2023/MVP/0032-ExA Development, maintenance and helpdesk se... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Uzavřeno 01/08/2023 16/08/2023
JRC/IPR/2021/LVP/0689-ExA development of XFuelBuilder for Automati... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Uzavřeno 23/03/2021 08/04/2021
NEAR/SJJ/2020/EA-RP/0073 Development of the Master Plan of Agglom... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Uzavřeno 14/04/2021 07/12/2021
NEAR/TIA/2020/EA-RP/0025 Development of the Albanian Central Land... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Uzavřeno 08/12/2020 15/09/2021