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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Calls for tenders found, displaying 10,411 to 10,420.[First/Prev] 1,035, 1,036, 1,037, 1,038, 1,039, 1,040, 1,041, 1,042, 1,043, 1,044, 1,045, 1,046, 1,047, 1,048, 1,049 [Next/Last]
Tender reference number Title Contracting authority Status Start date Closing date
ECDC/2024/LVP/0008-ExA Leasing of official (diplomatic) electri... European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Closed 13/02/2024 04/03/2024
CEPOL/2024/MVP/0001-ExA Provision of web hosting, management and... European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) Closed 14/02/2024 29/02/2024
EEA/2024/MVP/0004-ExA EEA/ADS/24/001 - Provision of moving ser... European Environment Agency (EEA) Closed 14/02/2024 04/03/2024
EC-ENER/LUX/2024/MVP/0015-ExA Venue, catering and audiovisual equipmen... European Commission, DG Energy (ENER) Closed 14/02/2024 21/02/2024
EC-COMM/VNO/2024/MVP/0103-ExA Media prenumeratos 2024-2028 FWC European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Closed 14/02/2024 28/02/2024
LINC/2024/CCU/EPP ST DAYS/CASCAIS/24/VEN Venue for EPP GROUP Study Days in Cascai... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Closed 14/02/2024 05/03/2024
EC-COMM/VNO/2024/LVP/0107-ExA VNO - Administracinės paslaugos/prekės European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Closed 15/02/2024 29/02/2024
EC-JRC/IPR/2024/LVP/0424-ExA Supply of a real-time PCR system European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Closed 15/02/2024 01/03/2024
EC-JRC/SVQ/2024/MVP/0444-ExA Functioning of food supply chain in Ukra... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Seville (JRC-SVQ) Closed 15/02/2024 01/03/2024
EC-EMPL/2024/MVP/0007-ExA Hosting services for the better entrepre... European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL) Closed 16/02/2024 03/03/2024