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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Convocatorias de concurso found, displaying 4,321 to 4,330.[First/Prev] 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440 [Next/Last]
Número de referencia de la licitación Título Poder adjudicador Estado Fecha de inicio Fecha límite
JRC/PTT/2021/LVP/0115-ExA NL-Petten: Supply of battery packs used... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Cerrada 05/02/2021 19/02/2021
JRC/PTT/2021/LVP/0387-ExA Supply of the battery electric vehicle t... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Cerrada 18/02/2021 04/03/2021
JRC/PTT/2021/MVP/0428-ExA Het uitvoeren van wegen en rioleringsdie... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Cerrada 24/02/2021 12/03/2021
JRC/PTT/2021/LVP/0427-ExA Het onderhoud van de slagboominstallatie... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Cerrada 24/02/2021 12/03/2021
JRC/PTT/2021/MVP/0538-ExA Diensten raamcontract voor onderhoud en ... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Cerrada 17/03/2021 31/03/2021
JRC/PTT/2021/OP/0768 Mantenimiento de los tejados de los edif... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Cerrada 22/04/2021 26/05/2021
JRC/PTT/2021/OP/0796-PIN Realización de trabajos de limpieza diar... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Cerrada 07/04/2021 04/10/2021
JRC/PTT/2021/OP/0896 Suministro e instalación de nuevas bomba... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Cerrada 25/06/2021 17/09/2021
JRC/PTT/2021/LVP/0895-ExA NL-Petten: Het meten en bemonsteren van ... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Cerrada 15/04/2021 30/04/2021
JRC/PTT/2021/OP/0947 Contrato marco para el mantenimiento de ... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Cerrada 26/04/2021 17/06/2021