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Número de referencia de la licitación Título Poder adjudicador Estado Fecha de inicio Fecha límite
OIB/2021/CPN/0065 Contrato marco de prestación de servicio... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Cerrada 18/08/2021 10/11/2021
AGRI/2021/OP/0004 Estudio sobre el plan de consumo de frut... European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Developement (AGRI) Cerrada 18/08/2021 07/10/2021
EUIPO/IPKLAII/2021/EA-RP/001 Provision of long-term Expertise and Sup... European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) Cerrada 18/08/2021 30/09/2021
JRC/SVQ/2021/MVP/2151-ExA Farmer survey on potential adoption and ... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Seville (JRC-SVQ) Cerrada 18/08/2021 03/09/2021
JRC/SVQ/2021/MVP/2153-ExA Economic Complexity Analysis of Export P... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Seville (JRC-SVQ) Cerrada 18/08/2021 03/09/2021
JRC/IPR/2021/OP/0604 Servicios de apoyo para la gestión, la i... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Cerrada 19/08/2021 30/09/2021
HR/IPR/2021/OP/0007 Servicios de medicina de emergencia y tr... European Commission, DG Human Resources and Security (HR) Cerrada 19/08/2021 20/09/2021
ELA/2021/OP/04 Provisión de personal interino para la A... The European Labour Authority Cerrada 19/08/2021 24/09/2021
JRC/SVQ/2021/MVP/2157-ExA GLOBAL CHARACTERISATION OF COASTAL ZONES... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Seville (JRC-SVQ) Cerrada 19/08/2021 10/09/2021
JRC/SVQ/2021/LVP/2169-ExA Technical support for the development an... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Seville (JRC-SVQ) Cerrada 19/08/2021 10/09/2021