Traženje poziva na dostavu ponuda

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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Pozivi na dostavu ponuda found, displaying 6,081 to 6,090.[First/Prev] 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616 [Next/Last]
Referentni broj ponude Naziv Javni naručitelj Status Datum početka Istek roka
EMSA/OP/21/2021 Održavanje softvera i daljnji razvoj STA... European Maritime Safety Agency Zatvoreno 03/08/2021 14/09/2021
JRC/PTT/2021/OP/1684 Skenirajući elektronski mikroskop za oba... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Zatvoreno 13/07/2021 14/09/2021
NEAR/ANK/2021/EA-RP/0070 Technical Assistance for the Support for... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Zatvoreno 07/04/2021 14/09/2021
21.CAP.OP.443 Okvirni ugovor za pružanje usluga „Podrš... European Defence Agency (EDA) Zatvoreno 02/07/2021 14/09/2021
EEAS/DELUSAW/2021/OP/0027 Usluge domara za Delegaciju EU-a u SAD-u European External Action Service (EEAS) Zatvoreno 22/07/2021 15/09/2021
NEAR/TIA/2020/EA-RP/0025 Development of the Albanian Central Land... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Zatvoreno 08/12/2020 15/09/2021
NEAR/TUN/2021/EA-OP/0114 Acquisition et mise en service d’infrast... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Zatvoreno 29/06/2021 15/09/2021
AO/007/21 Pružanje usluga studije o istraživanju t... European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) Zatvoreno 30/07/2021 15/09/2021
OC/EFSA/SCER/2021/07 TKplate 2.0: Platforme otvorenog kôda za... European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Zatvoreno 07/07/2021 15/09/2021
OC/EFSA/SCER/2021/05 Ažuriranje baze podataka o genotoksičnos... European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Zatvoreno 14/07/2021 15/09/2021