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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Pozivi na dostavu ponuda found, displaying 9,551 to 9,560.[First/Prev] 949, 950, 951, 952, 953, 954, 955, 956, 957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 962, 963 [Next/Last]
Referentni broj ponude Naziv Javni naručitelj Status Datum početka Istek roka
IP/A/EMPL/FWC/2023-028 Vanjska stručnost u regulatornim i polit... European Parliament, DG for Internal Policies of the Union (IPOL) Zatvoreno 08/06/2023 18/09/2023
IP/D/ALL/FWC/2024-001 Vanjska stručnost u području proračuna E... European Parliament, DG for Internal Policies of the Union (IPOL) Zatvoreno 18/08/2023 20/11/2023
12 Okvirni ugovor za dizajniranje, nabavu i... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Zatvoreno 25/09/2018 03/12/2018
EP/LINC/2019/FWC/ELU/VCT/01 Okvirni ugovor o održavanju, podršci, ra... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Otkazano nakon objave 12/09/2019 13/11/2019
LINC/2020/AWD/CCU/1 Poziv na nadmetanje za sklapanje okvirno... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Zatvoreno 11/01/2021 26/02/2021
LINC/2022/AWD/CIIU/FC100 Interpretation hub infrastructure and te... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Zatvoreno 27/01/2022 07/03/2022
LINC/2022/AWD/CIIU/FC200 Interpretation hub infrastructure and te... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Zatvoreno 27/01/2022 07/03/2022
LINC/2022/AWD/CIIU/FC300 Interpretation hub infrastructure and te... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Zatvoreno 27/01/2022 07/03/2022
LINC/2022/AWD/CIIU/FC400 Interpretation hub infrastructure and te... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Zatvoreno 27/01/2022 07/03/2022
LINC/2022/AWD/CIIU/FC500 Interpretation hub infrastructure and te... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Zatvoreno 27/01/2022 07/03/2022