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Referentni broj ponude Naziv Javni naručitelj Status Datum početka Istek roka
ENV.C.3/SER/2012/0031 Develop and implement harmonised noise a... European Commission, DG ENV+CLIMA Zatvoreno 06/06/2012 17/07/2012
181/PP/ENT/PPA/12/6536 Euromed - innovative entrepreneurs for c... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Zatvoreno 05/06/2012 27/07/2012
ENV.B.1/ETU/2012/0030 Aspects of data on diverse relationships... European Commission, DG ENV+CLIMA Zatvoreno 05/06/2012 16/07/2012
CLIMA.A.2/ETU/2012/0015 Awareness raising and preparation of the... European Commission, DG ENV+CLIMA Zatvoreno 02/06/2012 09/07/2012
ENV.B.2/SER/2012/0029 Implementation of 2020 EU biodiversity s... European Commission, DG ENV+CLIMA Zatvoreno 01/06/2012 16/07/2012
186/PP/ENT/CIP/12/F/S01C24 SME taxation in Europe - an empirical st... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Zatvoreno 31/05/2012 27/07/2012
ENV.B.2/SER/2012/0028 Policy options for an EU 'No net loss' i... European Commission, DG ENV+CLIMA Zatvoreno 31/05/2012 13/07/2012
CLIMA.B.3/SER/2012/0014 Maritime transport greenhouse gas data c... European Commission, DG ENV+CLIMA Zatvoreno 26/05/2012 06/07/2012
RTD/C1 – IU 21 KT Study 2012 Support to the development and implement... European Commission, DG Research and Innovation (RTD) Zatvoreno 26/05/2012 09/07/2012
ENV.B.1/ETU/2012/0027 Soil and water in a changing environment... European Commission, DG ENV+CLIMA Zatvoreno 23/05/2012 05/07/2012