Traženje poziva na dostavu ponuda

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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Pozivi na dostavu ponuda found, displaying 141 to 150.[First/Prev] 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 [Next/Last]
Referentni broj ponude Naziv Javni naručitelj Status Datum početka Istek roka
EASA/2024/LVP/0007-ExA ADS-B Historical Data to perform analysi... European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Zatvoreno 06/06/2024 12/06/2024
NEAR/TGD/2022/EA-RP/0176 Advanced business development services f... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Zatvoreno 30/11/2022 24/05/2023
JRC/KRU/2022/MVP/0012-ExA Advanced training on how to respond a br... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Karlsruhe (JRC-KRU) Zatvoreno 16/12/2021 20/01/2022
NEAR/TBS/2023/EA-RP/0028 Advancing Reforms in the Justice Sector ... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Zatvoreno 14/02/2023 22/05/2023
Frontex/OP/1048/2017/JL. Aerostati za obalni nadzor - primjena i ... European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) Zatvoreno 28/11/2017 05/02/2018
JRC/IPR/2020/LVP/2290-ExA Aethalometer European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Zatvoreno 18/09/2020 05/10/2020
ETF/2022/LVP/0007-ExA African Continental Qualifications Frame... European Training Foundation (ETF) Zatvoreno 29/03/2022 11/04/2022
ETF/2022/LVP/0006-ExA African Continental Qualifications Frame... European Training Foundation (ETF) Zatvoreno 29/03/2022 11/04/2022
COMM/DUB/2022/MVP/0188-ExA Agency temporary workers services for th... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Zatvoreno 28/03/2022 07/04/2022
CNECT/2021/OP/0004 Akcelerator digitalne transformacije za ... European Commission, DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT) Zatvoreno 21/12/2021 04/03/2022