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Referentni broj ponude Naziv Javni naručitelj Status Datum početka Istek roka
SMART 2019/0018 Maloprodajne cijene širokopojasne mreže ... European Commission, DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT) Zatvoreno 05/03/2019 15/04/2019
INTPA/LLW/2022/EA-RP/0057 Malawi Energy Programme / Wala Malawi –... European Commission, DG for International Partnerships (INTPA) Zatvoreno 27/05/2022 17/10/2022
1606/C1/D Mala informatička oprema i potrošni mate... European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) Zatvoreno 05/11/2016 08/12/2016
UCA 17/28 Mala informatička oprema Council of the European Union Zatvoreno 12/08/2017 12/05/2021
LINC/2022/AWD/IT/PST TOOL Maintenance, support, development and ad... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Otkazano nakon objave 28/10/2022 21/11/2022
LINC/2022/AWD/IT/PST TOOL Maintenance, support, development and ad... European Parliament, DG for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences (LINC) Zatvoreno 03/11/2022 21/11/2022
JRC/GEE/2021/LVP/2185-ExA Maintenance SF6 compressor European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Geel (JRC-GEE) Zatvoreno 24/08/2021 08/09/2021
JRC/GEE/2023/LVP/1269-ExA Maintenance Service for Radiation Protec... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Geel (JRC-GEE) Zatvoreno 03/05/2023 17/05/2023
EAC/2023/LVP/0006-ExA Maintenance of U-Multirank website European Commission, DG Education,Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC) Zatvoreno 29/06/2023 16/07/2023
COMM/SOF/2023/LVP/0606-ExA Maintenance of the Security systems of H... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Zatvoreno 01/08/2023 15/08/2023