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ELA/2023/OP/0038 Helpdesk és egyéb támogatási szolgáltatá... The European Labour Authority Lezárt 21/09/2023 23/10/2023
JRC/PTT/2023/OP/2150 Modernisation of control and data acquis... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Petten (JRC-PTT) Lezárt 21/09/2023 24/10/2023
DUB/COMM/AWD/2023/799 Vendégfogadó személyzet biztosítása a du... European Parliament, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 22/09/2023 30/10/2023
HADEA/2023/OP/0036 HADEA/2023/OP/0036 – az innovatív orvosi... European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) Lezárt 22/09/2023 18/12/2023
MOVE/2023/MVP/0037-ExA Bus and truck drivers from third countri... European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport (MOVE) Lezárt 22/09/2023 05/10/2023
HR/2023/MVP/0320-ExA Formation des équipes de première interv... European Commission, DG Human Resources and Security (HR) Lezárt 22/09/2023 15/10/2023
NEAR/ANK/2023/EA-RP/0184 Türkiye’s Net Zero Emission Target: Road... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Lezárt 22/09/2023 01/04/2024
COMM/PRG/2023/LVP/0729-ExA Interaktivní výukový program o Evropské ... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 22/09/2023 05/10/2023
EIT/2023/LVP/0026-ExA Provision of Transport services to the E... European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Lezárt 22/09/2023 06/10/2023
-ExA Section on current affairs of the Europe... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 22/09/2023 06/10/2023