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NEAR/2022/EA-RP/0130 EU4Business Facility: investing in the E... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Lezárt 09/09/2022 20/01/2023
EEA/2022/OP/0025 EEA/COM/22/004 – HubSpot licenc beszerzé... European Environment Agency (EEA) Lezárt 09/09/2022 10/10/2022
EMPL/2022/LVP/0019-ExA Developing and exploiting links between ... European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL) Lezárt 09/09/2022 23/09/2022
COMM/PRG/2022/LVP/0668-ExA Nákup služebního vozidla pro zastoupení ... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Lezárt 11/09/2022 20/09/2022
NEAR/SKP/2022/EA-LOP/0111 Transformation and rehabilitation of the... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Lezárt 12/09/2022 11/11/2022
JRC/SVQ/2022/MVP/2463-ExA Textiles research for Ecolabel, GPP and ... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Seville (JRC-SVQ) Lezárt 12/09/2022 26/09/2022
JRC/KRU/2022/OP/2335 M szárny – Az M szárny fő épületszerkeze... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Karlsruhe (JRC-KRU) Lezárt 12/09/2022 13/10/2022
EAC/2022/OP/0003 Az Európai Unió egyes intézményeiben dol... European Commission, DG Education,Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC) Lezárt 12/09/2022 26/10/2022
EUSPA/OP/13/22 Őrző-védő és recepciós szolgáltatások bi... European Union Agency for the Space Programme Lezárt 13/09/2022 26/10/2022
JRC/IPR/2022/MVP/2399-ExA To build and pilot a modular training on... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Lezárt 13/09/2022 27/09/2022