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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Bandi di gara found, displaying 6,171 to 6,180.[First/Prev] 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625 [Next/Last]
Numero di riferimento dell'appalto Titolo Amministrazione aggiudicatrice Stato Data d'inizio Data di chiusura
GROW/2023/OP/0027 Studio tecnico per includere nuovi mater... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Chiuso 02/08/2023 18/09/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0027-PIN Studio tecnico per includere nuovi mater... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Chiuso 01/06/2023 02/08/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0028-PIN Measuring and assessing skills needs in ... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Cancellato dopo la pubblicazione 05/06/2023 19/07/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0033 Support for implementation of due dilige... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Chiuso 04/08/2023 13/09/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0033-PIN Support for implementation of due dilige... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Chiuso 26/06/2023 04/08/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0034 Acquisto di statistiche e dati sull'indu... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Chiuso 24/08/2023 19/09/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0034 Acquisto di statistiche e dati sull'indu... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Chiuso 21/07/2023 24/08/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0038 Segretariato tecnico dei gruppi degli or... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Chiuso 04/08/2023 12/09/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0038-PIN Technical secretariat of the Notified Bo... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Chiuso 20/07/2023 04/08/2023
GROW/2023/OP/0039 Management of the Administrative Secreta... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Chiuso 10/08/2023 18/09/2023