Fittex għal Sejħa għall-Offerti

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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 227 Sejħiet għall-Offerti found, displaying 151 to 200.[First/Prev] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 [Next/Last]
In-numru ta' referenza tas-sejħa għall-offerti It-titlu L-Awtorità li qiegħda toħroġ il-kuntratt L-istatus Id-Data tal-Bidu Id-Data tal-Għeluq
EASME/2019/OP/0015 Studju dwar il-Kontribuzzjoni tas-Settur... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 20/06/2019 22/07/2019
EASME/2019/OP/0012 Żvilupp tal-Indikatur tal-Prezz tal-Ikel... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 24/06/2019 30/09/2019
EASME/2019/OP/0016 GRO/SME/19/C/006 Sfida tal-Bliet Intelli... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 01/07/2019 02/10/2019
EASME/2019/OP/0014 Qafas ta' Kuntratt għall-Provvista ta' K... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 05/07/2019 30/09/2019
EASME/2019/OP/0017 Studju dwar Mudelli ta' Innovazzjoni Mif... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 19/07/2019 19/08/2019
EASME/2019/OP/0020 Destinazzjonijiet Ewropej ta' Eċċellenza... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 23/09/2019 27/11/2019
EASME/2019/OP/0018 Taħriġ fl-Innovazzjoni u l-Immaniġġjar t... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 09/10/2019 19/11/2019
EASME/2019/OP/0019 Studju dwar il-Kontribuzzjoni tal-Ekonom... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 17/10/2019 19/12/2019
EASME/2019/OP/0022 Ir-Rekwiżiti tal-Kontabilità għall-SMEs ... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 06/11/2019 16/12/2019
EASME/2019/OP/0023 L-Ispejjeż ta' Konformità tat-Taxxa għal... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 26/11/2019 30/01/2020
EASME/2019/OP/0024 Studju fuq il-Prinċipji tal-Ekonomija Ċi... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 27/11/2019 16/01/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0001 Mekkaniżmi ta' Għajnuna għall-Pjan ta' A... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 03/03/2020 11/05/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0004 Adozzjoni tar-Responsabbiltà Soċjali Kor... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 10/03/2020 15/05/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0003 Servizzi ta' Post Mnejn Tingħata l-Għajn... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 27/03/2020 18/05/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0005 Servizzi ta' Qabel id-Dijanjożi ta' Prop... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 13/05/2020 30/06/2020
EASME/2019/OP/0021 Qafas ta' Kuntratt Multiplu Interistituz... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 22/05/2020 16/07/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0006 Osservazzjoni Marittima Ewropea u Netwer... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 29/05/2020 28/07/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0013 Sinteżi tal-Miżuri tal-Obbligu tal-Iżbar... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 19/06/2020 03/08/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0008 Studju dwar il-Protezzjoni Legali ta' Si... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 30/06/2020 26/08/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0012 Studju dwar l-Approċċi bbażati fuq l-Eko... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 09/07/2020 26/08/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0010 Studji biex Jappoġġjaw il-Patt Ekoloġiku... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 20/07/2020 30/09/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0016 Data 4 Healthy Recovery Hackathon (Hacka... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 06/08/2020 14/09/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0019 Il-Valutazzjoni tal-Impatti u l-Kisbiet ... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 13/08/2020 01/10/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0017 Tkabbir Żbilanċjat tat-Turiżmu fuq Livel... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 17/08/2020 29/09/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0022 Sinerġiji u Raggruppamenti Bejn Proġetti... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 21/08/2020 15/10/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0020 Erasmus għall-Intraprendituri Żgħażagħ —... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 26/08/2020 08/10/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0011 Attivitajiet ta' Involviment fil-Politik... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 28/10/2020 14/12/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0025 Azzjonijiet ta' appoġġ għad-diġitalizzaz... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 09/12/2020 11/02/2021
EASME/2020/OP/0026 It-Tisħiħ tal-Kompetittività u l-Ħila ta... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 15/12/2020 01/02/2021
EASME/2021/OP/0001 It-Titjib tad-Disponibbiltà u l-Ambitu t... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 01/02/2021 23/03/2021
EASME/2020/OP/0021 Qafas ta’ Kuntratt Multiplu għall-Provvi... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 16/02/2021 12/04/2021
EASME/2020/OP/0024 L-Algi u l-Klima European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 02/03/2021 31/05/2021
EISMEA/2021/OP/0002 Il-Ksib ta’ Sinerġiji u Promoturi fl-Imp... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 04/05/2021 13/07/2021
EISMEA/2021/OP/0005 Pjattaforma ta' Kollaborazzjoni tal-Grup... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 28/05/2021 27/07/2021
EISMEA/2021/OP/0004 Titjib tal-Kompetenzi Diġitali u Intrapr... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 16/06/2021 09/08/2021
EISMEA/2021/OP/0008 Studju dwar il-Kejl tan-Nuqqas ta’ Konfo... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 21/07/2021 14/09/2021
EISMEA/2021/OP/0006 Il-Programm ta’ Intelliġenza u Azzjoni K... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 04/08/2021 13/09/2021
EISMEA/2021/OP/0010 Sħubijiet ta’ Ekosistemi u Appoġġ ta’ Ko... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 16/08/2021 27/09/2021
EISMEA/2021/OP/0012 Studju dwar il-Kejl tal-Applikazzjoni ta... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 23/09/2021 08/11/2021
EISMEA/2021/OP/0009 Edukazzjoni tal-Konsumatur European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 29/09/2021 10/11/2021
EISMEA/2021/OP/0011 Pjattaforma Ewropea Intraprenditorjali t... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 30/09/2021 22/11/2021
EISMEA/2021/OP/0013 Il-Prestazzjoni tal-Ekosistemi Industrij... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 02/11/2021 25/01/2022
EISMEA/2021/LVP/0017-ExA Technical check of the procedure for pro... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 06/12/2021 31/12/2021
EISMEA/2021/MVP/0019-ExA EIC platform Training European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 22/12/2021 12/01/2022
EISMEA/2021/OP/0014 Il-Prevenzjoni tas-Serq Ċibernetiku tas-... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 27/04/2022 13/06/2022
EISMEA/2021/OP/0020 Pjattaforma Innospace European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 10/05/2022 30/06/2022
EISMEA/2022/MVP/0009-ExA EIC platform Training European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 24/05/2022 13/06/2022
EISMEA/2021/OP/0016 Oqfsa ta’ Kuntratti multipli ma’ ROC għa... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 03/06/2022 31/08/2022
EISMEA/2022/OP/0006 Servizzi ta' Post Mnejn Tingħata l-Għajn... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 29/06/2022 05/09/2022
EISMEA/2022/OP/0007 Appoġġ għad-Diġitalizzazzjoni tal-Ambjen... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 08/07/2022 05/09/2022