Fittex għal Sejħa għall-Offerti

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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,504 Sejħiet għall-Offerti found, displaying 201 to 225.[First/Prev] 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 [Next/Last]
In-numru ta' referenza tas-sejħa għall-offerti It-titlu L-Awtorità li qiegħda toħroġ il-kuntratt L-istatus Id-Data tal-Bidu Id-Data tal-Għeluq
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0003 Editjar tal-Lingwi ta' Dokumenti bl-Ingl... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 12/02/2020 22/04/2020
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0004 Provvista tal-Immaniġġjar tal-Proġetti u... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 02/03/2020 29/04/2020
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0005 Provvista ta' Servizzi ta' Konsulenza, G... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 07/05/2020 24/06/2020
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0006 Provvista ta' Servizzi Interattivi ta' V... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 03/08/2020 30/09/2020
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0007 Produzzjoni ta' Każistika Diġitali Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 05/06/2020 02/09/2020
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0008 Għajnuna Editorjali fil-Produzzjoni, it-... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 04/06/2020 29/07/2020
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0010 Servizzi Mmaniġġjati ta' Portal Ewropew ... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 07/07/2020 01/09/2020
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0011 Appoġġ tal-Produzzjoni tal-Ġurnal Uffiċj... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 10/07/2020 09/09/2020
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0012 Servizzi ta' Loġistika Integrati Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 13/07/2020 09/09/2020
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0013 Il-Provvista ta' Servizzi ta' Appoġġ għa... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 20/10/2020 15/12/2020
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0014 Provvista ta' Servizzi ta' Żvilupp ta' S... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 20/08/2020 13/10/2020
OP/LUX/2020/OP/0009 EUDOR — Servizzi ta' Preservazzjoni Diġi... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 08/09/2020 30/10/2020
OP/LUX/2021/OP/0001 Servizzi ta’ Qabel il-Midja, ta’ Ħafna S... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 23/02/2021 20/04/2021
OP/LUX/2021/OP/0002 Servizzi ta' Loġistika Integrati Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 24/02/2021 14/04/2021
OP/LUX/2021/OP/0003 Produzzjoni ta’ Materjal Awdjoviżiv, App... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 27/04/2021 22/06/2021
OP/LUX/2021/OP/0004 CORDIS Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 08/07/2022 21/09/2022
OP/LUX/2021/OP/0005 Il-Produzzjoni u t-Tixrid tas-Suppliment... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 12/05/2021 14/07/2021
OP/LUX/2021/OP/0006 Konsulenza u Appoġġ dwar is-Semantika ta... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 22/06/2021 25/08/2021
OP/LUX/2021/OP/0007 Post fejn Tingħata l-Għajnuna għall-Uten... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 28/09/2021 17/11/2021
OP/2022/OP/0001 Provvista ta’ Servizzi ta’ Xogħol ta’ Ru... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 18/05/2022 22/06/2022
OP/2022/OP/0002 Qafas ta’ Kuntratt ta’ Servizz għall-Pro... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 01/06/2022 22/07/2022
OP/2022/OP/0003 Konsolidazzjoni Teknika tal-Atti Legali ... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 07/07/2022 15/09/2022
OP/2022/OP/0004 Indiċjar u Analiżi Legali ta’ Dokumenti ... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 07/07/2022 14/09/2022
OP/2022/OP/0005 Provvista ta’ Servizzi ta’ Editjar tal-L... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 29/07/2022 11/10/2022
OP/2022/MVP/0007-ExA Provision of graphic design services inc... Publications Office of the European Union (OP) Magħluq 26/08/2022 09/09/2022