Fittex għal Sejħa għall-Offerti

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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Sejħiet għall-Offerti found, displaying 5,761 to 5,770.[First/Prev] 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584 [Next/Last]
In-numru ta' referenza tas-sejħa għall-offerti It-titlu L-Awtorità li qiegħda toħroġ il-kuntratt L-istatus Id-Data tal-Bidu Id-Data tal-Għeluq
JRC/IPR/2020/OP/1049 Qafas ta' Kuntratt għall-Provvista u l-M... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Magħluq 19/06/2020 27/07/2020
EASME/2020/OP/0013 Sinteżi tal-Miżuri tal-Obbligu tal-Iżbar... European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agency (EISMEA) Magħluq 19/06/2020 03/08/2020
JRC/SVQ/2020/LVP/1587-ExA Study on economies of scope in the aggre... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Seville (JRC-SVQ) Magħluq 19/06/2020 05/07/2020
CNECT/LUX/2020/OP/0027 VIGIE 2020-0655 Studju tas-Suq Ewropew t... European Commission, DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT) Magħluq 19/06/2020 31/08/2020
06C60/2020/M018 Assigurazzjoni li tkopri n-nar u r-riskj... European Parliament, DG Infrastructure and Logistics (INLO) Magħluq 18/06/2020 02/09/2020
EAC/2020/OP/0004 Netwerk ta' Esperti Ewropej dwar l-Ekono... European Commission, DG Education,Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC) Magħluq 18/06/2020 27/07/2020
OIB/2020/OP/0024 Provvista ta' servizzi ta' pedjatrija fi... European Commission, Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB) Magħluq 18/06/2020 01/09/2020
EEAS/DELPAKI/2020/CPN/0002 Servizzi ta' Sigurtà għad-Delegazzjoni t... European External Action Service (EEAS) Magħluq 18/06/2020 26/04/2021
GROW/2020/OP/0016 Il-Valutazzjoni ta' Sfidi u Opportunitaj... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Magħluq 17/06/2020 31/08/2020
COMM/BUD/2020/OP/0022 It-Twaqqif ta' Qafas ta' Kuntratt Uniku ... European Commission, DG Communication (COMM) Magħluq 17/06/2020 31/08/2020