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Referenčné číslo ponuky Názov Obstarávateľ Stav Dátum začatia Dátum uzávierky
Frontex/OP/551/2020/ZB/MS Nákup služobných uniforiem European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) Uzavreté 21/09/2020 09/11/2020
2020/EJ/04/PO Miestne hotelové služby pre agentúru Eur... EUROJUST Uzavreté 18/09/2020 29/10/2020
EP/DGSAFE/SER/2020-007 Služby odborného školenia v oblasti bezp... European Parliament, DG Security and Safety (SAFE) Uzavreté 18/09/2020 04/11/2020
NEAR/IEV/2020/EA-RP/0004 Better Services for Consumers in the Ref... Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) Uzavreté 18/09/2020 14/06/2021
CESE/DL/02/2020 „Údržba, odstránenie porúch a oprava bez... European Economic and Social Committee, Directorate for Logistics Uzavreté 18/09/2020 23/10/2020
JRC/IPR/2020/LVP/2290-ExA Aethalometer European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Uzavreté 18/09/2020 05/10/2020
JRC/IPR/2020/LVP/2321-ExA Online dehumidification system for the ... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Uzavreté 18/09/2020 05/10/2020
JRC/GEE/2020/LVP/2328-ExA Document destruction JRC Geel European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Geel (JRC-GEE) Uzavreté 18/09/2020 09/10/2020
FCH / CONTRACT NO. 282 Prevádzka a údržba európskeho systému do... Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (CHJU) Uzavreté 17/09/2020 02/11/2020
JRC/KRU/2020/OP/1707 Dodávka softvéru na získavanie, ukladani... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Karlsruhe (JRC-KRU) Uzavreté 17/09/2020 22/10/2020