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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Javni razpisi found, displaying 5,921 to 5,930.[First/Prev] 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600 [Next/Last]
Referenčna številka razpisa Naslov Naročnik Status Datum začetka Datum zaključka
CFT-1600 Socialni program inštituta EIB – Svetova... European Investment Bank (EIB) Zaprto 19/05/2020 26/06/2020
ENV/2020/OP/0010 Okvirno naročilo za znanstveno in tehnič... European Commission, DG for Environment (ENV) Zaprto 19/05/2020 06/07/2020
Frontex/OP/327/2020/KM Nakup večfunkcijskih perifernih naprav z... European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) Zaprto 19/05/2020 29/06/2020
JRC/SVQ/2020/MVP/1350-ExA Background data collection and life cycl... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Seville (JRC-SVQ) Zaprto 19/05/2020 07/06/2020
GROW/2020/OP/0003 Študija o izvajanju direktive o koncesij... European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (GROW) Zaprto 18/05/2020 10/07/2020
ENV/2020/OP/0008 Znanstvena/tehnična pomoč pri izvajanju ... European Commission, DG for Environment (ENV) Zaprto 18/05/2020 20/08/2020
CLIMA/2020/RP/0002 Storitve tretjega skupnega dražbenega si... European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA) Zaprto 18/05/2020 29/06/2020
JRC/IPR/2020/MVP/1315-ExA Uptake of Nanoplastics into Organoids (U... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Zaprto 18/05/2020 02/06/2020
JRC/GEE/2020/LVP/1349-ExA Control of cleaning services European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Geel (JRC-GEE) Zaprto 18/05/2020 04/06/2020
JRC/IPR/2020/OP/0024 Obnova, sanacija, gradnja ter redno in i... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Zaprto 15/05/2020 12/08/2020