Iskanje javnih razpisov

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Results per page: 10 | 25 | 50 10,597 Javni razpisi found, displaying 6,111 to 6,120.[First/Prev] 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619 [Next/Last]
Referenčna številka razpisa Naslov Naročnik Status Datum začetka Datum zaključka
EEA/HSR/20/001 Zagotavljanje strokovne pomoči za podpor... European Environment Agency (EEA) Zaprto 06/02/2020 09/03/2020
JRC/KRU/2020/LVP/0340 Ceramic parts KEMS multi cells Furnace European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Karlsruhe (JRC-KRU) Zaprto 05/02/2020 28/02/2020
LISA/2019/OP/01 Prečni inženirski okvir European Agency for the Operational Management of Large-ScaleITSystemsin the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice Zaprto 05/02/2020 13/05/2020
JRC/GEE/2020/MVP/0404 Pulse Transformer for Modulators European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Geel (JRC-GEE) Zaprto 05/02/2020 27/02/2020
JRC/IPR/2020/LVP/0369 Transport of Biological samples (UN 3373... European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Ispra (JRC-IPR) Zaprto 05/02/2020 28/02/2020
REGIO/2020/OP/0003 Izkoriščanje potenciala množičnega finan... European Commission, DG Regional and urban Policy (REGIO) Zaprto 04/02/2020 06/03/2020
JUST/2020/PR/03/001 Okvirno naročilo storitev vrednotenja, o... European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers (JUST) Zaprto 04/02/2020 14/04/2020
ESTAT/LUX/2020/OP/0002 Statistične storitve v zvezi s statistik... European Commission, DG EUROSTAT Zaprto 04/02/2020 06/03/2020
MOVE/C2/SER/2019-85 Upravljanje Evropske listine o varnosti ... European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport (MOVE) Zaprto 04/02/2020 29/04/2020
EMSA/OP/1/2020 Zagotavljanje storitev IKT za SEG in mob... European Maritime Safety Agency Zaprto 04/02/2020 06/03/2020