Данни на покана за участие в търг

Service Contract for Support to the Commission for the assessment of the interac...
Възлагащ орган:
European Commission, DG for Climate Action (CLIMA)
Дата на публикация в TED:
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English (en)
Данни за въпроса
addressing two types of interactions relevant for the functioning of the MSR
The "general background" of the technical specifications addresses two types of interactions relevant for the functioning of the MSR: first, the question of whether other non-EU ETS, with whom the EU ETS closely cooperates, also include price stabilisation measures, and how these measures would interact. And secondly, the question how price support measures adopted by EU Member States would interact with the MSR. According to the Tender Specifications, Task 1 should exclusively address the first question, i.e. price support measures in non-EU jurisdictions. This is less clear for Task 2, although "different types of ETSs" suggests a focus on interactions between EU ETS and non-EU ETSs. Could you confirm that the typology and methodology to be developed should only address interactions between EU ETS and non-EU ETSs, and should not include the interactions between the EU ETS and complementary measures taken by EU Member States?
The "general background" of the technical specifications addresses two types of interactions relevant for the functioning of the MSR: first, the question of whether other non-EU ETS, with whom the EU ETS closely cooperates, also include price stabilisation measures, and how these measures would interact. And secondly, the question how price support measures adopted by EU Member States would interact with the MSR. According to the Tender Specifications, Task 1 should exclusively address the first question, i.e. price support measures in non-EU jurisdictions. This is less clear for Task 2, although "different types of ETSs" suggests a focus on interactions between EU ETS and non-EU ETSs. Could you confirm that the typology and methodology to be developed should only address interactions between EU ETS and non-EU ETSs, and should not include the interactions between the EU ETS and complementary measures taken by EU Member States? The contractor shall develop a typology of different categories of ETSs, meaning this typology could encompass any type of ETS. After that a methodology has to be developed to assess the interactions between these types of ETSs.