Podrobnosti výzvy k podání nabídek

Drivers of corporate bond market liquidity.
Veřejný zadavatel:
European Commission, DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Mark...
Datum zveřejnění v TED:
Lhůta pro podání nabídek:
English (en)
Podrobnosti otázky
Presentation of our offer - differents envelopes.
In the tender it is indicated : "The inner envelope must also contain two sealed envelopes, one containing the technical tender and the other the financial tender. Each of these envelopes must clearly indicate the content ("Technical" and "Financial")." From our understanding "technical" corresponds to section 4 and "financial" corresponds to annex 4, so, where do we put all others part of our documents ? In the technical envelopp ? And we put 2 copies of the documents, in each envelopes? Thanks.
Dear Madam, dear sir, The financial envelope must contain the financial offer only (Annex 4). The rest of the documents you submit (including the section 4 of Annex 2) are to be put in the technical envelope. You are supposed to clearly label the sealed envelopes ("technical" and "financial") and put inside one original and two copies of your technical and financial offer.