Podrobnosti výzvy k podání nabídek

ICT Consultancy
Veřejný zadavatel:
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
Datum zveřejnění v TED:
Lhůta pro podání nabídek:
Zrušeno po zveřejnění
English (en)
Podrobnosti otázky
Technical and Professional Capacity
Taking into account your responses in questions 11 and 14, (a) in a hypothetical scenario where the consortium leader provides 10 evidential past contracts of an average value of 1 million Euro, executed collectively within three European Union Member States where each contract concerned the provision of 2 profiles same or equivalent to profiles in Annex IV, of which the consortium leader provided both profiles, please confirm that in this case selection criterion #3 is met. (b) in a hypothetical scenario where the consortium leader provides 10 evidential past contracts of an average value of 150 million Euro, executed collectively within three European Union Member States where each contract concerned the provision of 19 profiles same or equivalent to profiles in Annex IV, of which the consortium leader provided 15 of these profiles (e.g. DESIS-like contracts), please confirm that in this case the selection criterion #3 is not met (c) If you confirmed both (a) and (b), can you please explain to us why the consortium leader of scenario A has the capacity and is more competent than the consortium leader of scenario B to execute the services of the current contract ?
a) We do not confirm your understanding; the evidential past contracts do not sufficiently cover the profiles. b) We do not confirm your understanding; it is possible that the criterion is met if 90% or more of the provided consultants originated from the leader’s own organisation (please note that Annex IV contains 16 profiles, not 19).