Podrobnosti výzvy k podání nabídek

Multiple Framework Contract in Cascade for Software Development and it Services
Veřejný zadavatel:
European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
Datum zveřejnění v TED:
Lhůta pro podání nabídek:
English (en)
Podrobnosti otázky
Page limit rule for Case Studies (Annex K)
"Sample deliverables (Gantt charts, roadmap, screenshots, mock-ups etc) containing multiple A4 pages are not bound by the 10-page limit rule, but their size should be limited to what is needed to communicate the essentials” We understand that this additional content can be embedded within the text, provided that the final length minus the space ocuppied by the additional content does not excced the maximum length. Please confirm that our understanding is correct.
See Annex O Introduction: The length of the reply to each Case Study should not go beyond ten (10) A4 pages. Sample deliverables (Gantt charts, roadmap, screenshots, mock-ups etc) containing multiple A4 pages are NOT bound by the 10-page limit rule, but their size should be limited to what is needed to communicate the essentials. Embedding is up to the tenderer to decide.