Details zur Ausschreibung

High Resolution Vegetation Phenology and Productivity Monitoring – Biophysical P...
Öffentlicher Auftraggeber:
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Datum der Veröffentlichung im TED:
Frist für den Eingang von Angeboten:
English (en)
Detaillierte Angaben zur Frage
French DOMs
Footnote 13 in section 1.5.2 specifies that the geographic coverage of the products shall comprise, amongst others, the French DOMs. This seems to contradict the AoI extent as provided via the auxiliary files specified in section 1.5.1 and in Figure 5. Please confirm our understanding that the DOMs shall not be part of the AoI for the HR VPP, or provide additional specifications for such case (phenology in case of tropical vegetation, alternative map projection, raster grid, etc.).
The French DOM’s shall be seen as an integral part of HR VPP. The internal assessment showed that an additional 34 Sentinel 2 tiles will need to be processed. Furthermore, due to the location which is not compatible with the CRS used by the HRLs (EPSG: 3035), in these areas only the Sentinel 2 tile based delivery shall be processed. The Equatorial area is known to be heavily affected by clouds such that even after gap filling the production of yearly seasonal trajectories, and hence phenological indices, will most probably not be possible. In cases where insufficient numbers of cloud free pixels are available, several years shall be grouped into one. The future contractor will be requested to evaluate the situation during the course of the project and give expert judgement and sound solutions for the implementation. The additional tiles can be accessed at the tender specific files location, see section 1.5.1 of the tender specifications. Filename is: