Λεπτομέρειες πρόσκλησης υποβολής προσφορών

Multiple Framework Contract in Cascade for Software Development and it Services
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European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)
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Λεπτομέρειες ερωτήματος
Article I.15.4 (Replacement of the contractor’s personnel applicable to Times and means and Quoted Times and Means specific contracts) of the Framework contract
The Article I.15.4 of the Framework Contract states the following: ““In case of EFCA’s request in accordance with article II.4.9 or any other need for replacement to ensure service continuity, a replacement must be available at least 10 working days before the effective termination date of the leaving contractor’s personnel”. In case of a non-planned absence (e.g. sick leave) would require a replacement in a period shorter than 10 days, the Quality Indicator DP-3 (Minumum acceptable value: 10 working days) would never be met. Is our understanding correct?
Article I.15.4 applies in case of leaving contractor's personnel and in case of EFCA's request under Article II.4.9.