Λεπτομέρειες πρόσκλησης υποβολής προσφορών

ENER/D3/2020-245 Implementation of Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedne...
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European Commission, DG Energy (ENER)
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English (en)
Λεπτομέρειες ερωτήματος
Call for tender ENER/D3/2020-245 Understanding of criterion/evidence A1
Regarding Evidence A1, shall each field requested in Criterion 1 (field of radiation protection and nuclear safety with specific experience in radiological and nuclear emergency preparedness and response …, drafting reports and recommendations) be supported by a reference project of at least 100k€ ? To take an example, if 2 projects of more than 100k€ are part of the references submitted and cover some of the fields identified, shall experience in an additional field (not covered by the first 2 projects) be justified by a reference with a value lower than 100k€ ?
For the purposes of the evidence A1 in section 4.2.4, the tenderer must provide references for at least two projects delivered in the last three years, each covering one or more of the fields mentioned with a minimum value for each project of € 100 000. As this is a minimum requirement, the tenderer may submit additional references covering the other fields mentioned of whatever value, and not included in the first two references, as long as the minimum requirement is fulfilled.