Call for tenders' details

Uptake of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by SMEs and Start-ups
Contracting authority:
European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized EnterprisesExecutive Agen...
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Work package 1 – ToR page 7 – para 1.6 General Guidance on methodology
In the ToR – page 7, para 1.6 - is noted that „This WP will be based on a desk research and on a survey addressed to SMEs and SME support organisations (SME associations, CSR/RBC support organisations, industry and sector organisations etc…) in target countries." We have a question with regard to the data collection: Is EASME going to provide the contractor with its own contacts on SMEs/facilitate the contact with support organisations in respective countries? Thank you for your response.
In reply to your enquiry we would kindly guide you to note the 3rd sentence of paragraph 1.6 of the Technical Specifications : “After the approval of the questionnaires by the contracting authority, the contractor shall collect responses from SMEs also using the SME panel consultation tool of the Enterprise Europe Network”. The successful tenderer will be granted access to the consultation tool of the Enterprise Europe Network to facilitate the collection of data from SMEs. The Enterprise Europe Network is well connected in all COSME countries and can reach SMEs locally. Of course, the tenderer can also propose other tools for the data collection and can directly use its contacts in SMEs/support organisations. ”