Call for tenders' details

Multiple Framework Contract for the Procurement of Economic Studies and Better R...
Contracting authority:
European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (...
TED publication date:
Time limit for receipt of tenders:
English (en)
Question details
Administrative Documentation
We would be grateful if we could please ask a clarification question in regard to the upload of the administrative documentation required within the submission. In order to make sure the documents are clear and easy to find, we are intending to include the technical and professional capacity evidence/economic and financial capacity evidence (evidence of authorised representation, last two years P&L and balance sheets, Power of Attorney, Commitment letter, CVs, project references etc.) within sections and annexes of our technical offer. Could we please clarify if we will then also need to upload them individually to the portal, or will this be unnecessary? Many thank in advance.
The documents related to the selection stage (as technical and professional capacity, financial capacity) should be uploaded in the corresponding folders of the concerned entity at the ‘Parties’ step in eSubmission. Please see Annex 1 to Tender Specifications (in the last column: ’Instructions for uploading in eSubmission’) for detailed instructions.