Informaciones de las convocatorias de concurso

Provision of services for quality assurance, quality control and project managem...
Poder adjudicador:
European Commission, DG Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD)
Fecha de publicación del TED:
Fecha límite de recepción de las ofertas:
English (en)
Información relativa a la pregunta
Contradicting subcontracting modalities as regards rules of participation to this tender
Your response to questions around eligibility and subcontracting for this procedure are contradictory and leave little to no time for contractors to adapt their offer. In Q1 you clearly state that no non-EU companies can partake to this procedure - even if only for subcontracting - whilst in the latest Q&A specifically Q33 you state that subcontracting outside of the EU is permitted. This creates a lot of confusion and now seriously impacts the 'level playing field' for this call for tender. If we are suddenly able to subcontract to entities not part of the EU, we believe that it is only fair for you to extend the submission deadline in such a way as to give all potential tenderers the opportunity to consider their subcontracting options. Not providing such an extension after the publication of such a critical clarification in contradiction with what was initially clarified would in our view reflect very negatively on the tender proceedings.
There is indeed an inconsistency in the replies. The reply to Q33 should read "No, you are not eligible to apply for this tender. As indicated in section II.2.3 (Place of performance) of the Contract Notice, the services are to be carried out at the contractor's usual premises within the EU. All information and data processed by the contractor in the context of the performance of the contract must remain stored exclusively within the EU