Informaciones de las convocatorias de concurso

ISDLS2 — External Service Provision for Development, Maintenance and Consultancy...
Poder adjudicador:
European External Action Service (EEAS)
Fecha de publicación del TED:
Fecha límite de recepción de las ofertas:
English (en)
Información relativa a la pregunta
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
In Annex 8 to technical Specifications (SLA) there is in KPI-1 (4.1. Ordering process) a compensation foreseen of 10 LDU if e.g. the candidate is accepted but s/he is afterwards declared unable to start his/her mission before the signature of the specific contract. In KPI-2 (4.2. Delivery process-Time and Means) we have also a compensation foreseen of 10 LDU if the consultant is unable to start after the signature of the specific contract. Are these compensations to be cumulated or are they exclusive?
For KPI-1, liquidated damages apply, among other cases, in case "the candidate is […] declared unable to start his/her mission before the signature of the specific contract". For KPI-2, liquidated damages apply when the consultant is unable to start after the signature of the specific contract. The incapability to start the mission can only take place once, either before or after the signature of the specific contract. These cases are therefore exclusive.