Renseignements sur l'appel d'offres

Language training.
Pouvoir adjudicateur:
European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
Date de publication sur TED:
Date limite pour la réception des offres:
English (en)
Détails de la question
Section 4: Online booking modality
Could you clarify your expectation regarding the following point: • Procedure for online booking modality for the course, offered to ESMA; i) Are you looking for the selected vendor to offer ESMA employees the ability to book their language training online? ii) If so: a. is your preference for this to be hosted on the ESMA intranet or LMS (please clarify which and the name of the system) b. Equally, would a simple URL link to the vendor’s online booking system be sufficient? c. What is your expectation in terms of the booking? Thankyou.
As regard to i): we accept online booking using a webpage or via email (sent to the provider) as well. As regard to ii a-b): If it is a webpage it can be hosted by the provider on its website. As regard to ii c): Our expectation is that our colleagues can easily register to the courses or to the tests.