Renseignements sur l'appel d'offres

Status assessment of European Hoverflies (Syrphidae) - European Red List of Hove...
Pouvoir adjudicateur:
European Commission, DG for Environment (ENV)
Date de publication sur TED:
Date limite pour la réception des offres:
English (en)
Détails de la question
EU Geographic scope of the project and integration with BDC
Dear Sirs, In reference to the call for tender "ENV.D.2/SER/2018/0027 - Status assessment of European Hoverflies (Syrphidae) - European Red List of Hoverflies (EU and pan-Europe)", we would like to pose the following two questions: 1) In regards to the EU geographical scope of this project, one minor question is whether we should consider EU28 (current) or EU27 (post-Brexit). 2) Under Task 2, in relation to the integration of the database into the BDC and its hosting infrastructure, are there any differences in the requirements in relation to other ERL databases previously submitted under other European Red Lists? Thank you in advance. Kind regards, Catarina Ferreira
1) The geographical scope of the project is EU28 2) In regards to the requirements for the integration of the database, they are the same as for the most recently submitted European Red Lists.