Detalji poziva na dostavu ponuda

Translation services into Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Fi...
Javni naručitelj:
European Parliament, DG Translation
Datum objave na TED-u:
Rok za primitak ponuda:
latviešu valoda (lv)
Detalji pitanja
Revisers - subcontractors?
As to revisers for this tender, do we have to submit them as subcontractors as per specifications "1 reviser who is an employee or subcontractor of the tenderer;"? Since our revisers are freelancers who also are translators as well, and translators/freelancers are not considered as subcontractors for this tender. Do we have to submit a subcontractor Annex mentioning all our revisers in it? Or we can just submit the signed Annex with the details of the named reviser?
For the purposes of this tender, freelance revisers are not considered to be subcontractors of the Tenderer. The Tenderer does not therefore have to complete Annex VII - Declaration concerning subcontractors setting out details of the freelance revisers named in Annex XI. Please note that under point 14.3 - Professional capacity, you must name in Annex XI at least one reviser for each source language of the lot/s for which you are tendering.