Detalji poziva na dostavu ponuda

Assistance to the European Network of Infrastructure Managers (PRIME) in its Act...
Javni naručitelj:
European Commission, DG Mobility and Transport (MOVE)
Datum objave na TED-u:
Rok za primitak ponuda:
English (en)
Detalji pitanja
No MOVE/C3/2019-515: Question on expert in legal matters (B7)
Dear Madam, dear Sir, the tender No MOVE/C3/2019-515 regarding support to PRIME requests an expert in legal matters (B7) with relevant higher education and 2 years of professional experience in legal matters related to transport and data management. We assume that this expert shall support the working group “Implementing acts” which remains in stand-by and will work, when called, on the draft EU legislation. Can you confirm this and please specify more in detail which kind of support will be expected from this expert. Thank you very much.
Thank you for the question. Assistance in legal matters is actually less relevant in the context of the work of the 'Implementing acts' subgroup, because the Commission and industry representatives who participate in this group have themselves legal background. Legal expertise, as requested by the tender specifications, is expected to be more relevant in the context of thematic studies within Domain 2. For example: - assess/compare national legislation/rules (e.g. on charging principles, priority rules, performance schemes, contractual agreements with national governments) - assess the requirements of international conventions (e.g. for cargo documentation) - analyze conditions necessary for sharing data (e.g. in the context of the work of the digital subgroup) and develop blueprints for relevant contracts. It could be relevant also for administrative tasks in Domain 3 - e.g. ensuring that event management/communication is compliant with General Data Protection Rules (GDPR).