Ajánlati felhívás részletei

Monitoring the evolution and benefits of responsible research and innovation.
European Commission, DG Research and Innovation (RTD)
A TED-es közzététel dátuma:
Az ajánlatok kézhezvételére vonatkozó határidő:
English (en)
Kérdés részletei
Certificates of satisfactory execution
Terms of reference requires tenderers to provide for most important services "certificates of satisfactory execution, specifying that they have been carried out in a professional manner and have been fully completed". We have few questions regarding this: 1. Are these certificates needed for assignments commissioned by the European Commission since from our practice the Commission does not provide any similar formal documents? 2. Are these certificates needed for projects funded by FP7? 3. Since there is no single standard of such certificates could you provide some examples of documents which would satisfy this requirement?
As you note, Certificates are required by the Terms of Reference for 'Services', that is for studies and other work conducted by tenderers for the Commission and for other public and private recipients. 1) For Public procurement contracts, the Commission provides certificates of satisfactory execution upon request and after successful completion of such assignments. Therefore, for such studies, certificates are needed for the most important services. 2) For FP7 projects, the Commission does not provide such certificates; however, should tenderers wish to demonstrate successful completion of FP7 project, it can provide any other supporting documents (i.e approval of final report, result of projects reviews, etc…. ). It will be up to the evaluation committee to consider on a case by case basis whether the supporting evidence provided is appropriate.