Dettagli del bando di gara

Multiple Framework Contracts for Intra-Muros Consultancy and Proximity Quoted Ti...
Amministrazione aggiudicatrice:
European Commission, DG Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD)
Data di pubblicazione nel TED:
Termine per la ricezione delle offerte:
English (en)
Dettagli della domanda
Electronic submission
In the Tender specifications, in section 2.7. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE TENDER, we read: "In accordance with the structure of the e-Submission application, tenders must be presented as follows, covering five (5) mandatory elements: - PART A: IDENTIFICATION OF THE TENDERER - PART B: NON-EXCLUSION - PART C: SELECTION - PART D: TECHNICAL OFFER - PART E: FINANCIAL OFFER" However, the structure of the e-Submission application is the following: - Declaration on honour - Legal and regulatory capacity - Economic and financial capacity - Technical and professional capacity - Exclusion criteria - Other documents Could you please clarify which PART XXX has to go in each section of the e-Submission application?
Given the requirements of this particular call for tenders, interested bidders may follow the structure below: - Declaration on honour: Insert the relevant declaration(s) on honour - Legal and regulatory capacity: Insert all documents required for Part A plus those set out in section 4.2.1 of the tender specifications - Economic and financial capacity: Insert the documents specified in Part C with particular attention to section 4.2.2 of the tender specifications - Technical and professional capacity: Insert the documents specified in Part C with particular attention to section 4.2.3 of the tender specifications - Exclusion criteria: Insert the documents specified in section 4.1 of the tender specifications (if applicable) - Other documents: any other document you wish to bring to the attention of the Contracting Authority.