Sīkāka informācija par uzaicinājumu uz konkursu

Cleaning, Waste Management and other Related Services
Līgumslēdzēja iestāde:
European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Publicēšanas datums TED:
Piedāvājumu saņemšanas termiņš:
English (en)
Sīkāka informācija par jautājumu
Technical Specification - par. 3.6.1
Unlimited call outs in or out of office hours for suspected pest infestations. Unlimited follow up visits for specialist treatments of revealed pest infestations. All material costs and consumables. a lot of pest problems are related to cleaning issues, gardening, technical issues, of building problems such as holes in walls of doors which are not closing. We think that unlimited visits are not in balance looking at all integrated matters concerning integrated pest management. Can you please specify what you are meaning by this? Secondly: Our suggestion would be that if recommendations are followed up within 21 days, and all possible measures are taken, a call out or treatment is included. Otherwise the costs are not included or bill by you to a service provider which failes to carry out the recommendations. Could you agree on this suggestion?
Tenderers are requested to factor in these requirements and provide a fixed price to include: -Unlimited call outs in or out of office hours for suspected pest infestations. -Unlimited follow up visits for specialist treatments of revealed pest infestations. -All material costs and consumables. The Agency cannot agree to the suggestion.