Sīkāka informācija par uzaicinājumu uz konkursu

Technical and Operational Services for the CISE Project
Līgumslēdzēja iestāde:
European Maritime Safety Agency
Publicēšanas datums TED:
Piedāvājumu saņemšanas termiņš:
English (en)
Sīkāka informācija par jautājumu
Technical and professional capacity
In EN-Annex B.02 Tender Specifications, Section 15.5.2, p. 24/27, we read: “For the standard/prerequisite contracts, the tenderers shall provide the following information: - Contract title; - Contract description (no more than 100 words); - Customers details; - Amount of the contract referring the Module 1 and Module 2 activities; - Duration of the contract; The tenderer shall submit, together with this evidence, at least 1 lesson learnt executing the contract.” Also in Section 16, Quality Criterion 2, p. 25/27, we read: “Assessed based on the “list of tasks” performed under the contracts submitted as evidence in Point 15.5.2. Tenderers must submit a such “list of tasks” together with their offer (maximum 1 page). The quality of this “list of tasks” will be assessed based on its relevance for the operational and technical services for the CISE project as described in these Tender Specifications.” Question: 1. We understand that the lesson(s) learnt requested as evidence for each contract is not counted in the 100 words of the contract description. 2. We also understand that the “list of tasks”, based on which Quality Criterion 2 will be assessed, should be submitted in the technical part of the offer and not as evidence under Technical and professional capacity – Selection criteria. Please confirm or clarify.
1. EMSA confirms that the lesson(s) learnt requested as evidence for each contract is not counted in the 100 words of the contract description. 2. The tenders should provide the “list of tasks”, based on which Quality Criterion 2 will be assessed, in the technical part of the offer. However, if submitted under Technical and professional capacity – Selection criteria it will, in any case, only be considered for evaluation in terms of quality.