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Study on the System Architecture of a Quantum Communication Infrastructure — SMA...
Līgumslēdzēja iestāde:
European Commission, DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CON...
Publicēšanas datums TED:
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English (en)
Sīkāka informācija par jautājumu
In which case is annex 4 required ?
On page 18 of tender specifications, we read “In case of subcontracting, all subcontractors whose share of the contract is above 25% or whose capacity is necessary to fulfil the selection criteria must provide a declaration on honour signed by an authorised representative.” But on the bottom of page 31, concerning annex 4 , we read “Only identified subcontractors whose share of the contract is above 10 % of the price of the tender or whose capacity is necessary to fulfil the selection criteria”. Could you please clarify?
I confirmt that tenderers are required to identify all subcontractors whose share of the contract is above 10% of the price of the tender or whose capacity is necessary to fulfil the selection criteria. The clerical error in the tender specifications is corrected accordingly.