Sīkāka informācija par uzaicinājumu uz konkursu

Leasing or Long-term Lease of Vehicles and Associated Services for Frontex Opera...
Līgumslēdzēja iestāde:
European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)
Publicēšanas datums TED:
Piedāvājumu saņemšanas termiņš:
English (en)
Sīkāka informācija par jautājumu
Cena w czasie trawania kontraktu / Price during the implementation of the contract
Kontrakt jest podpisywany na 4 lata. Oferta w przetargu ma być ważna przez 3 miesiące. Jak będzie liczona zmiana ceny uslugi w czsie trwania kontaktu? / The contract is signed for 4 years. The offer in the tender is to be valid for 3 months. How will the change in the price of the service be calculated during the contact period?
Annex I – Tender specifications has been modified by adding the following sentence to point 2.2.1. b): If during implementation of the project a proposed car is not available any longer at the market due to discontinuity of the production (e.g. lifting, introduction of the model replacing the old one) or due to other reasons the contractor shall provide a car which is a replacement of originally proposed car which is no longer available. The replacement car should fulfil all minimum technical parameters of the originally accepted car. In situations when the official price of the replacement car presented in the catalogue of the main car dealer (representing the car manufacturer in a given country) is higher than the price of the originally proposed car in the official catalogue of the contractor at the time of the submission of the offer, Frontex accepts the increase of the price however not more than 15% increase to the original price.