Id-Dettalji tas-Sejħa għall-Offerti

Provision of Maintenance and Development Services for the Websites of the Agency...
L-Awtorità li Qiegħda Toħroġ il-Kuntratt:
Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)
Id-data tal-pubblikazzjoni tat-TED:
Limitu ta' żmien għall-wasla tal-offerti:
English (en)
Id-Dettalji tal-Mistoqsija
Question regarding Subcontractors
Dear all, we would like to ask for an explanation regarding the Subcontractor cooperation in the tender. Must the Subcontractor also fulfill the criteria of Economic and financial capacity (turnover) and Technical and professional capacity (average annual manpower, services amount 200.000€)?
Point 18 of Annex I ‘Tender specifications’ states: ‘If any selection criterion is fulfilled by relying on the capacity of a third party (regardless of the link it has with the tenderer), the tenderer must prove to the contracting authority that it will have at its disposal the resources necessary for performance of the FWC by producing a commitment on the part of those entities to this effect. If the tenderer relies on the capacity of a third party for economic and financial capacity, the contracting authority may require the third party to be jointly liable for performance of the FWC. If the tenderer relies on the capacity of a third party for technical and professional capacity, it can only do so for the tasks for which this particular capacity is required, for example by providing a document stating clearly the allocation of tasks between entities. Tenderers must provide proof of their legal, economic and financial and technical and professional capacity.’