Id-Dettalji tas-Sejħa għall-Offerti

High Resolution Vegetation Phenology and Productivity Monitoring – Biophysical P...
L-Awtorità li Qiegħda Toħroġ il-Kuntratt:
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Id-data tal-pubblikazzjoni tat-TED:
Limitu ta' żmien għall-wasla tal-offerti:
English (en)
Id-Dettalji tal-Mistoqsija
QA Layer pp19
What is exactly meant with QA layer? Is it a raster?
A QA layer of a raster ‘data-file’ is typically also a raster. It must have the very same format and spatial specifications as the data-files. Every data pixel shall be accompanied by the relevant QA information. For storage efficiency the QA information is typically bit-encoded (i.e. several quality related parameters are stored inside a 16bit string, which need to be encoded before becoming usable). Whether the QA layer shall be stored in a separated file as a layer inside the data-file will be discussed during the initial phase of project implementation. A QA layer is expected to deliver all the needed and relevant information about the quality of the actual data-file (pixels). We decided not to define QA information content too strictly, in order to allow tenderers to elaborate the most comprehensive and appropriated approach for the specific proposal.