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Framework Service Contract for the Copernicus Land Monitoring Services – CLC+ Ba...
L-Awtorità li Qiegħda Toħroġ il-Kuntratt:
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Id-data tal-pubblikazzjoni tat-TED:
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English (en)
Id-Dettalji tal-Mistoqsija
Clarification Answer no. 8 “Financial Issues”
Whereas EEA’s plans re. a CLMS wide processing/storage/delivery platform are understood from Annex I (A-I) and Clarif. Answer 8 (CA-8), related timing/cost handling seems contradictory: A-I unambiguously provides that only a “temporary interim solution” shall be found by contractor, in case of delays in the “CLMS infrastructure implementation process”, whereas CA-8 says that agreement on a CLMS wide solution only even “may happen” during production phase. This is critical, as the CA-8 asks that “In the meantime tenderers should foresee their own infrastructure for the production”. Please confirm that in such case, “own infrastructure” may be DIAS/other platform of tenderer’s choice, and that A-I’s clear provision that “Cloud infrastructure and […] related costs are not part of this open procedure” applies also in such case unrestrictedly, as otherwise it would be unfeasible to calculate a Financial Offer as per Annex 4a.
Firstly, we confirm that “own infrastructure” may or may not be a DIAS; it is up to the tenderer to make that choice for the production phase of CLC+ Backbone. Secondly, we can confirm the statement on page 11 of the Tender Specifications, that “Cloud infrastructure and cloud infrastructure related costs are not part of this open procedure, but will be addressed in a separate procurement procedure.”. Although it should be clear from the sentence following on, it may have avoided confusion to have inserted “for the CLC+ suite” so that the sentence would read “Cloud infrastructure and cloud infrastructure related costs for the CLC+ suite are not part of this open procedure, but will be addressed in a separate procurement procedure.”.