Id-Dettalji tas-Sejħa għall-Offerti

Mainstreaming climate change into the CSF Funds 2014–2020.
L-Awtorità li Qiegħda Toħroġ il-Kuntratt:
European Commission, DG ENV+CLIMA
Id-data tal-pubblikazzjoni tat-TED:
Limitu ta' żmien għall-wasla tal-offerti:
English (en)
Id-Dettalji tal-Mistoqsija
Quality Assurance Team Members (QATMs)
Our understanding of the specifications is that QATMs is made up of 8 staff in total including Quality Assurance Manager and that the QATMs do not require to be replicated across 28 countries. Is our understanding correct?
The tender specifications foresee the establishment of one Quality Assurance Team and 28 Country Teams. The tender specifications stipulate that the Quality Assurance Team will include: (1) Quality Assurance Manager re e.g. paragraph [169], (2) Senior Expert on Mitigation re e.g. paragraph [183], (3) Senior Expert on Adaptation re e.g. paragraph [184], and a (4) team of four experts re e.g. paragraph [187]. The technical offer shall include the corresponding CVs re items 5 and 8 on page 53 of the tender specifications. In this context, reference is also made to the overall requirements to the quality assurance scheme in the tender specification, see for example paragraphs [24], [168] and [189].