Gegevens van de oproep tot inschrijving

CEI/2018/SRSS/01 - Call for Expression of Interest - External experts to support...
Aanbestedende dienst:
Structural Reform Support Service
Uiterste termijn voor het indienen van blijken van belangstelling:
English (en)
Gegevens van de vraag
Modified requirements on provision by candidates of a) copy of their ID, LEF, BAF, b) supporting evidence concerning their professional experience; and c); supporting evidence concerning their command of languages.
SRSS has modified its requirements concerning the submission by candidates of copies of their ID, LEF, BAF, of evidence documents concerning their professional experience and their command of languages. Revised Invitation for applications document, Annex I (Standard Expression of interest form, Annex III (List of past projects, studies and publications), Annex V (Summary CV), Annex VI (Declaration on Honour), and draft EXPERT CONTRACT have been modified. Their revised versions (published 26 July 2018) have been uploaded under "Document library" section of the present call for tenders on e-TED.
On the initiative of SRSS candidates are advised that: a) they do not have to attach copies of their ID, Legal Entity File and Bank Account File to their applications. Those documents will only be requested to candidates contacted for particular assignments. b) supporting evidence for the professional experience declared by candidates in their Standard Expression of interest form must in principle be submitted. In case proof documents for part of the professional experience cannot be retrieved within a short period of time, such documents must be submitted at least for the candidate's most relevant experience even if its (consolidated ) duration is less than 7 years. SRSS reserves the right to ask for the missing evidence to cover a professional experience of at least 7 years per thematic field at any moment prior, during or after any assignment which might be awarded to the candidate, once he or she is on the CEI list. c) candidates must declare explicitly in their Declaration on honour that they have at least 7 years of professional experience for each thematic field for which they apply, and command of languages as required under Section 11 of the Invitation for applications document. d) supporting evidence for the command of languages declared by candidates in their Standard Expression of interest form need not be submitted with their application. In case of doubt the Contracting authority reserves the right to ask for supporting documents in the form specified under section 11 of the Invitation for applications document. Candidates are advised to consult carefully the "Invitation for applications" document with regard to the documents they must submit with their applications. The validity of all documents published in the "Document library" section on eTED on 14 February 2018 is herewith repealed. All applications submitted as of the date of publication of the present answer remain acceptable and need not be re-submitted.