Gegevens van de oproep tot inschrijving

Financial offer form (SS7) revision n.1 is published.
Supply of Stationery Products and Office Supplies for EASO premises
Aanbestedende dienst:
European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
Publicatiedatum op TED:
Termijn voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen:
English (en)
Gegevens van de vraag
Information on the specific products requested in the Financial Offer (SS 7)
Beyond the information on a general level that has to be submitted in the Technical Offer (SSF 8), does any other information have to be submitted anywhere else on each of the products specifically listed in the Financial Offer (SSF 7), over and above the information requested in the SSF 7 form itself ?
Please refer to point 4.2.2. Technical and financial offer of the tender specifications part 1 (administrative). The offers have to be submitted as described in there. The technical offer template SSF8 (word document) shall be duly filled and signed and uploaded in eSubmission. You may want to integrate the technical offer with supplementary descriptions and include the additional information in there. The Financial offer template SSF7 (excel file) shall be completed duly filled ONLY with prices (yellow fields) and signed and uploaded in eSubmission for the lot you may want to bid for.