Szczegóły ogłoszenia o przetargu

Supply of Armoured Vehicles
Instytucja zamawiająca:
European External Action Service (EEAS)
Data publikacji w witrynie TED:
Termin nadsyłania ofert:
English (en)
Szczegóły pytania
Access to Public Procurement
It is requested that Economic Operators have their headquarters in one of the European Union Member States or in a third country having a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement. Please provide the list of acceptable third countries.
Tender specifications – Access to Public Procurement. Participation in this tender procedure is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons whose domicile (natural person) or whose registration of their headquarters (legal persons) is: - in one of the European Union Member States; - in a third country which has a special agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in the agreement. The access is determined by the conditions laid down in each agreement. Each agreement between the third country and the European Union determines the categories of contracts covered by the agreement in the field of public procurement. Information about countries and regions with trade agreements in place with the EU is available in: For information about access to the market of any particular country, please send a question containing the name of the country.