Szczegóły ogłoszenia o przetargu

Framework Service Contract for the Copernicus Land Monitoring Services – CLC+ Ba...
Instytucja zamawiająca:
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Data publikacji w witrynie TED:
Termin nadsyłania ofert:
English (en)
Szczegóły pytania
In situ data
In page 33 of the Annex 7, a reference is made to the use of a nDSM for diferentiating between "trees" and "shrub". However, in the absence of an open data source for such dataset at pan-European level with sufficient spatial resolution and vertical accuracy, are service providers expected to provide either (i) a commercial solution for sourcing such a dataset or (ii) producing such a dataset as part of the CLC+ contract which would require access to commercial EO data ? Either way, the cost would seem prohibitive in comparison with other tasks for this tender. Therefore, we were wondering whether this was a compulsory requirement or if an alternative approach could be adopted.
As expressed in annex 7 to the tender specifications the data situation with regard to the availability of a European wide nDSM is and will be rapidly developing during the implementation of the contract. The COPERNICUS programme as such is exploring and considering options to provide access to such data (via ESA/European Commission and/or commercial products). For the time being, and within the framework of CLC+ Backbone, it is not mandatory to produce a nDSM. However, as noted in the remarks to class “woody”, a differentiation of “trees” and “shrubs” are an important element in CLC+ Backbone. Tenderers are asked to provide alternative solutions for the differentiations of these classes and assess the expected accuracy of the proposed methods. These solutions can be based on various technical input data, ranging from radiometric properties, texture indicators or additional data like nDSM to name only a few. Tenderers should present technical solutions in case the availability of nDSM-data is operationalized during contract implementation.