Informações relativas ao concurso

Galileo commercial service demonstrator.
Entidade adjudicante:
European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry,Entrepreneurshipand SMEs (...
Data de publicação na TED:
Prazo para a receção de propostas:
English (en)
Informações relativas à questão
Allocation of maintenance and user support between WP2100, WP2200, WP2300 and W2500
The allocation of maintenance and user support between WP2100, WP2200, WP2300 and W2500 is unclear in the ITT. WP2100 (RXP), WP2200 (EMU) and WP2300 (PTB) include maintenance and support activities for each individual element. According to what is stated in sections 1.11.3 (RXP), 1.11.4 (EMU) and 1.11.5 (PTB) maintenance and support to end-users shall be provided from their respective elements ARs until the end of the contract (T0+30). However, WP2500 is specifically devoted to maintenance and support activities of the CS elements (as stated in section 1.11.7 of the tender specs). We would appreciate a clarification on the expected apportionment of maintenance and support activities between WP2100, WP2200, WP2300 and W2500.
The ITT leaves flexibility to allocate the maintenance tasks within WP2000 among the different sub-work packages. The purpose of the maintenance tasks is to ensure that there is no lack of maintenance for the CS Demonstrator platform or any of its elements during the project. No duplication of maintenance efforts is intended. Taking this into account, the bidders are authorised to allocate the maintenance efforts between these sub-WPs following their preferences while still being compliant with the ITT. The bidders are allowed to slightly deviate from the WPD in this particular aspect if justified. For example the bidders are authorised to: A) cover the element maintenance within its work package (WP2100, 2200…) until T0+15, and use WP2500 for the rest. B) cover the element maintenance within its work package (WP2100, 2200…) until T0+30 and use WP2500 for a higher level maintenance for the CS Demonstrator platform between T0+15 and T0+30. C) cover all maintenance activities, including CS Demo elements, through WP2500. Any of these options is acceptable. Other similar options may be acceptable as well.