Informações relativas ao concurso

In order to avoid any issue with eSubmission, please be careful to upload only documents with a format which is supported by the system. We remind the tenderers that, in case of issues with the upload of the tenders, the e-Submission helpdesk will only be available during business hours (i.e. until 6pm).
EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe): Central Support Servic...
Entidade adjudicante:
European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Data de publicação na TED:
Prazo para a receção de propostas:
English (en)
Informações relativas à questão
Regarding the request 4.2.4. Technical and professional capacity criteria and evidence, selection A. Criteria relating to tenderers, to present a list of relevant services provided in the last three years, please tell us how many references we need to present for each requested projects.
As stated in Section 4.2.4 of the Tender Specifications (' Technical and professional capacity criteria'), subsection A ('criteria relating to tenderers'), page 48, first paragraph, project references are defined as "consist[ing] in a list of relevant services provided in the last three years, with the sums, dates and clients, public or private, accompanied by statements issued by the clients." The minimum number of projects for which the aforementioned references must be provided is stated in the paragraphs pertaining to Evidence A1, A2, and A3. Accordingly, as stated under "Evidence A1", " the tenderer must provide references of two projects delivered in each of the aforementioned fields, with a minimum value of € 100,000.00 for each ". As further stated "(...) the tenderer may provide for one project reference in order to cover several of the aforementioned fields.", meaning that one project reference can cover several of the fields of experience as required under "Criterion 1". For Criterion A2, "Evidence A2" states that "the tenderer must provide the references of two projects." For Criterion A3, "Evidence A3" states that "the tenderer must provide one project reference of one IT application developed for mobile devices".